Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Day

Tan... tan... tannnnn

Hari keputusan UPSR Faiz pada 23 November 2017 (Khamis)

2A, 3B dan 1C

I'm very proud of him...

With all of the issue this year at school
With all of the advise i/we gave him
With all of the flip-flop of present he wanted 'if' he get 6/5 As

This is one of the life lessons he encountered...

Many more to come ...

I always pray to Allah SWT the very best for your in becoming a 'hamba Allah yang beriman, bertakwa dan segala amalan diterima olehNya. Sentiasa berada di jalan yang lurus. Serta menjadi khalifah Allah yang beriman dan bertanggungjawab'.

And of course many more doas ...

Mak loves you so much.
