• My jots, my thoughts •
Thursday, August 25, 2011
• My jots, my thoughts •
Friday, August 19, 2011
• My jots, my thoughts •
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Pecah dah...
Kementerian aku sekarang akan berpindah lepas raya nie... so kena start pack la kan... pastu lepas raya jugak insya allah sambung belajaq... pun kena pack jugak kan... so maknanya... nak tak nak mmg kena pack la kann...
dah kemas dan buang barang yang boleh di buang... tinggai barang yang boleh dibuang tapi kena shred dulu..... itu yang banyak lagi nie...
plan aku... minggu nie kemas barang, pastu minggu depan boleh start buat nota serah tugas dan settlekan apa yang patut disettlekan... musti kena plan baiiiknya...
Keselerakan work area aku memang terserlah... area hat depan/bawah gambar naa... area belah sinun org lain punya tau...
Ishhh... macam ok jer kann? mana ada selerak
Tapi cuba tengok view sini... haaaa ambik ko.... ini atas meja tu... kira macam dah clear sikit
Bawah meja pun penuh laaaa.... ish ish ish apa la yang aku ternak almost 9 tahun kat sini....
Nie pun dah clear sikit pasai dan hawin keluaq banyak benda yang boleh di hawin
Nie baru lepas shred... mau dekat 10 plastik aku sorang jaaa.... hahahahaha
oklah, nak balik dulu... mau pi param UPM plak...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dah 15 Ramadhan
Gambar nie aku ambik pagi tadi dari bilik tidur lepas sahur. Bulan penuh menandakan dah 15 hari kita berpuasa. Aku rasa sayu jer mengenangkan bulan Ramadhan akan berlalu dalam tempoh 15 hari lagi, Insya Allah.
Masa 2 minggu pertama memang terasa lambatnya masa berjalan. Sekarang nie radio pun dah start keluar lagu raya... hehehehe
Amal ibadat? Dah bertambah ker? Insya Allah semua merit/pahala/markah bertambah kita semua akan bertambah.
Lepas raya, Insya Allah bermula episod/lipatan baru dalam hidup aku sebagai seorang Pelajar di U|M... Didoakan semoga kehidupan kita semua menuju ke arah kebaikan dan dipermudahkan segala urusan .... Amin
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
What really happened last 2 weeks
It all started on 25 July 2011 and all related to this initial post.
Pagi tu, telefon U@M tanya pasal surat tawaran Master. Alhamdulillah dah keluar dan saya pun mengambil sendiri surat tersebut. Alhamdulillah dapat majoring/jabatan yg diinginkan for career advancement.
Tapi tergerak/terdetik di hati utk telefon JP@ samada boleh ker tak? Perasaan masa tu macam tak sedap hati. Sebab tawaran dari HLP dari JP@ dlm bidang lain. Ramai yg nasihatkan masa nk dptkan HLP tu, bawak la paper yang kukuh@solid supaya dapat HLP tapi masa apply U, apply la M|S sbb katanya JP@ tak kisah pun...
But this time, lain yg jadinya. Ada yg marah kenapa pergi tanya JP@... tapi itu la... rasa tak sedap hati... Anyway, officer JP@ tu check dgn Jkuasa.. confirm tak dibenarkan. If not, HLP dibatalkan/ditangguhkan. Dapat tawaran dari U lain jugak tapi kelas diadakan waktu malam... Kurang sesuai utk yg berfamily especially jika si isteri yang akan belajar...
So, next step... apply tukar majoring/jabatan di Fakulti di U@M. Masa dpt tahu tak dibenarkan adalah hari Rabu. Call PPS dan Fakulti di U... confirm kena buat surat mohon. Hantar surat ke Fakulti pada Khamis, ingat nak jumpa Pegawai Penyelaras Siswazah tapi tak dapat sbb Dr tu EL. Berurusan dgn kerani di Unit tu...
Almost every day cuba bercakap telefon dgn Dr. tapi tak dapat atas urusan kerja. Sepanjang tempoh tu, hanya Allah saja yg tahu perasaan tu. Usually aku bercakap dgn mak tapi mak pergi Umrah... tak kan nak kacau kan? Tidur tak lena, asyik terjaga... makan tak lalu, kerja tak fokus... Tapi in between tempoh tu, aku cuba siapkan segala keperluan untuk dapatkan Surat Tawaran Tetap JPA... Stamping, buka akaun dll.
Hari Rabu lepas, 3/8... Aku htr email direct ke Dr tu untuk menjelaskan perkara sebenar. Lepas email, cuba telefon sekali lagi...
Kali ini, alhamdulillah berjaya bercakap dgn Dr dan dimaklumkan berita gembira... Alhamdullillah... doaku dimakbulkan. Siapkan medical checkup dan segala borang.. Hantar ke JPA pagi Jumaat lepas dan alhamdulillah dapat Surat Tawaran Tetap HLP tu... Perasaan tu lega sangat2.
BTW, mulai sesi HLP last year, JP@ very strict dgn HLP. aku siap tanya lagi dgn diaorg kalau kita saja hantar tawaran U lain dari yg ditawarkan oleh JP@.. boleh jadi ke terlepas tak? Jawapannya JP@ akan check dgn senarai subjek (kena sertakan masa mohon nk dapatkan tawaran tetap tu) dgn tawaran JP@.
Anyway, bak kata husband... bila susah nak dapat baru la kita kenang/usaha lebih...
Alhamdulillah... =)
Pesanan penaja utk my sons : Muiz dan Faiz :-
Bukan senang nak jadi senang... Bersusah-susah dahulu ye...
Pagi tu, telefon U@M tanya pasal surat tawaran Master. Alhamdulillah dah keluar dan saya pun mengambil sendiri surat tersebut. Alhamdulillah dapat majoring/jabatan yg diinginkan for career advancement.
Tapi tergerak/terdetik di hati utk telefon JP@ samada boleh ker tak? Perasaan masa tu macam tak sedap hati. Sebab tawaran dari HLP dari JP@ dlm bidang lain. Ramai yg nasihatkan masa nk dptkan HLP tu, bawak la paper yang kukuh@solid supaya dapat HLP tapi masa apply U, apply la M|S sbb katanya JP@ tak kisah pun...
But this time, lain yg jadinya. Ada yg marah kenapa pergi tanya JP@... tapi itu la... rasa tak sedap hati... Anyway, officer JP@ tu check dgn Jkuasa.. confirm tak dibenarkan. If not, HLP dibatalkan/ditangguhkan. Dapat tawaran dari U lain jugak tapi kelas diadakan waktu malam... Kurang sesuai utk yg berfamily especially jika si isteri yang akan belajar...
So, next step... apply tukar majoring/jabatan di Fakulti di U@M. Masa dpt tahu tak dibenarkan adalah hari Rabu. Call PPS dan Fakulti di U... confirm kena buat surat mohon. Hantar surat ke Fakulti pada Khamis, ingat nak jumpa Pegawai Penyelaras Siswazah tapi tak dapat sbb Dr tu EL. Berurusan dgn kerani di Unit tu...
Almost every day cuba bercakap telefon dgn Dr. tapi tak dapat atas urusan kerja. Sepanjang tempoh tu, hanya Allah saja yg tahu perasaan tu. Usually aku bercakap dgn mak tapi mak pergi Umrah... tak kan nak kacau kan? Tidur tak lena, asyik terjaga... makan tak lalu, kerja tak fokus... Tapi in between tempoh tu, aku cuba siapkan segala keperluan untuk dapatkan Surat Tawaran Tetap JPA... Stamping, buka akaun dll.
Hari Rabu lepas, 3/8... Aku htr email direct ke Dr tu untuk menjelaskan perkara sebenar. Lepas email, cuba telefon sekali lagi...
Kali ini, alhamdulillah berjaya bercakap dgn Dr dan dimaklumkan berita gembira... Alhamdullillah... doaku dimakbulkan. Siapkan medical checkup dan segala borang.. Hantar ke JPA pagi Jumaat lepas dan alhamdulillah dapat Surat Tawaran Tetap HLP tu... Perasaan tu lega sangat2.
BTW, mulai sesi HLP last year, JP@ very strict dgn HLP. aku siap tanya lagi dgn diaorg kalau kita saja hantar tawaran U lain dari yg ditawarkan oleh JP@.. boleh jadi ke terlepas tak? Jawapannya JP@ akan check dgn senarai subjek (kena sertakan masa mohon nk dapatkan tawaran tetap tu) dgn tawaran JP@.
Anyway, bak kata husband... bila susah nak dapat baru la kita kenang/usaha lebih...
Alhamdulillah... =)
Pesanan penaja utk my sons : Muiz dan Faiz :-
Bukan senang nak jadi senang... Bersusah-susah dahulu ye...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Part 8 | More tips
Part 1 kat sini
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
Part 6 sini la
Part 7 belek sini
27. Be hopeful.
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
Part 6 sini la
Part 7 belek sini
Image googled
40 (practical) tips for mental health, well-being and prosperity
| Tough Times |
27. Be hopeful.
~ Being hopeful means believing that you can set (realistic) goals for the future and that you have the ability to successfully work towards them. Hope sustains us even when things are not going the way we want. Nothing lasts forever, and remembering that things will change can get us through tough times.
28. Work on developing different ways to cope
~ People who actively develop different ways to cope with difficult things are happier. Talk to a friend, meditate, exercise!
29. Write things down.
~ Keeping a diary or simply writing down a thought can greatly help to cope with problems. Write things down to help you organise and formulate your situation and your thoughts. It also allows you to look at the situation as an outsider. You can rewrite it, come back to it later or simply throw it away when you’re finished.
30. Ask for support.
~ The longer you leave a problem, the worse it may become. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a family member, friend or professional. Asking for and accepting help from family and friends strengthens your ability to cope. If you feel overwhelmed or have difficulty meeting your goals on your own, consider seeking help from a psychologist.
31. Get intimate
~ Almost every close relationship will involve some negative experiences. However, the positive emotions, shared experiences, and the physical intimacy that comes with intimate relationships have a strong link to health and well-being and helps buffer against stressors and mental health difficulties.
32. Simply getting together can be supportive.
~ Simply having someone who you can be yourself with can be a major protective factor against depression. Men, who traditionally have difficulty seeking support, will naturally begin supporting each other if they are simply brought together on a regular basis.
33. Find support online.
~ Online groups can develop into self-sustaining networks, with internet friendships enhancing off-line or “real-life” friendships rather than replacing them, and thereby leading to offline benefits for online users.
34. Be a support.
~ Be a supportive family member or friend. Social support is a significant factor in predicting both psychological adjustment and physical health.
35. Focus on things you can control.
~ When a person is not doing as well as they would like at a particular behaviour, avoid focusing on the stable uncontrollable things (the past, gender, a permanent disability) as this can lead to feelings of hopelessness. Instead, focus on what can be changed, the things that are unstable and controllable, e.g. the amount of effort put in or the way the person is going about it. This can foster positive feelings of hope and persistence at the task.
36. Think about how you label events
~ Is a puncture in your tyre really a disaster? Or is it a nuisance, inconvenience and annoying? How you think and talk about events can really influence your mood and the intensity of it.
37. Do something!
~ Mood and activity: If you’re feeling down or blue, aim to DO. Do not rely on your mood or feelings to dictate your activities; do not wait until you “feel like it”. The best thing when you are feeling down is to DO something!
38. Be flexible in your thinking.
~ Avoid “all or nothing”, “black or white” and absolutist thinking. Do you find yourself using words like “should”, “ought”, “must” and “can’t”? Using such rigid language can mean that you end up living by very fixed rules. This can lead to increased stress and even anxiety or depression. Try substituting a different word. Instead of “I must” or “I should”, try “it would be helpful if I…”
39. Remember your triumphs
~ Focus on moments in the last week where you were proud of yourself. When people get stressed they tend to go into ‘all or nothing’ thinking and search for evidence of how poorly they performed or how catastrophic a likely event might become. If you review your week and search for moments where you were really yourself, this will lift your mood and help you avoid a black and white way of looking at the world.
40. Think about mental health and see the person first
~ There are many misperceptions about mental health problems. These misperceptions can often add to the problems that these illnesses bring. Challenging and looking beyond stereotypes or labels and seeing the person first will help. Educating yourself about mental health will not only reduce misperceptions about mental illness but will help you recognize when you or someone you know is having a hard time.
Source : The Physicological Society of IrelandSaturday, August 6, 2011
Part 7 | More tips
Part 1 kat sini
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
Part 6 sini la
23. Listen to what children have to say
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
Part 6 sini la
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40 (practical) tips for mental health, well-being and prosperity
| Children |
23. Listen to what children have to say
~ Adults are inclined to think they know what’s best for children but it is important that children are included in the decisions that involve them. Being listened to, being heard and being given the opportunity to ask questions is greatly important to children and research shows that empowering young people in this way provides them with psychological benefits.
24. Focus on your child’s inner strengths.
~ Every child is different. Recognising and encouraging your child’s unique strengths can enhance their self-esteem and well-being.
25. Emphasise learning and enjoyment over winning for children in sport.
~ Children who are motivated by self-improvement as opposed to performing better than others are less anxious, less likely to cheat and show greater persistence. Encourage your child to be the best they can be regardless of others and to have fun while doing it.
26. Learn and teach media-wise skills.
~ Children and adolescents spend more time with the media than they spend doing any other leisure activity. While some research shows that TV watching has negative effects on a child’s development, other research has demonstrated the opposite. You can regulate many negative effects of TV viewing by engaging in the TV watching with your children. You can use it for education and talking about the programmes, commercials and the issues that arise. This way you can teach your children to be media-wise.
Source : The Physicological Society of Ireland
Friday, August 5, 2011
Part 6 | More tips
Part 1 kat sini
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
19. Choose an activity, join a group and get involved.
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Part 4 jenguk sini
Part 5 sini ye
Image googled
40 (practical) tips for mental health, well-being and prosperity
| Daily Routine (Home, School, Work) |
19. Choose an activity, join a group and get involved.
~ Join a special interest group or get involved in extracurricular activities. These groups offer wonderful opportunities for finding people with common interests – people you like being with who are potential friends. And studies of college students have shown that personal adjustment and integration into campus life plays a huge role in student retention in college.
20. Remember work isn’t everything.
~ While work plays an important role in many people’s lives, it’s important to get the work life balance right. Employees who enjoy down time or relaxation outside of their job are more likely to recover their energies and be engaged when they are at work; that is, they have more energy available to them at work and they feel more dedicated to the task at hand. So a balanced approach to work is a win-win for you and your employer!
21. Get to know your work-mates.
~ Engaging with a social group in work has been shown to reduce stress and increases your life and job satisfaction.
22. Volunteer.
~ Doing something that helps others has a beneficial effect on how you feel about yourself. Volunteering can bring about feelings of personal achievement, a sense of community spirit and solidarity. There is no limit to the individual and group volunteer opportunities you can explore. Schools, churches, not-for-profit and charitable organisations of all sorts depend on volunteers for their survival
Source : The Physicological Society of Ireland
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Cer tengok...
Puan Siti Suhana binti Abdullah
Ketua Penolong Setiausaha
Pergh ... macam ada aura jer naik F48 jer aku nie...
Marah org bawah tu... muahahahahahahahaha
BTW, ini gambar khamis minggu lepas....
Monday, August 1, 2011
Ramadhan Al Mubarak
Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan, bulan penuh keberkatan, bulan penuh kemuliaan, bulan penuh keampunan...
Berdoalah kita.
Ya Allah, makbulkanlah doaku. Hanya Kau yang Maha Mengetahui...
Amin, ya rabbal alamin
Berdoalah kita.
Ya Allah, makbulkanlah doaku. Hanya Kau yang Maha Mengetahui...
Amin, ya rabbal alamin
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