Thursday, June 30, 2011

Part 4 | More tips

Part 1 kat sini
Part 2 di sini
Part 3 sini plak
Image googled

40 (practical) tips for mental health, well-being and prosperity

11. Lose yourself

~ Learn an activity that makes you lose sense of time, that makes you feel fuller as a person after doing it and gives you a sense of calm. This could be knitting, repetitive prayer, meditation or playing a musical instrument. If practised daily for at least 20 minutes it has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve levels of antioxidants, reduce stress and improve mood.

12. Don't let a little anxiety stand in your way

~ While there are obviously certain fear-inducing situations or activities that should be avoided, often people can avoid doing things that they want to do or that are good for them because of nerves. Doing the things that we are a little anxious about helps them become less frightening. Avoiding activities or situations that are fearinducing only results in increased anxiety about that situation.

13. Set yourself realistic goals.

~ Break the big goals into smaller steps or tasks. Smaller tasks are much easier to complete. And it’s easier to see your progress with smaller tasks too. These provide a gradual sense of accomplishment that can motivate you to continue. Rome wasn’t built in a day but some of it was!

14. Avoid conversations about weight and appearance.

~ Conversations around weight, appearance and pressure to be thin, result in increased body dissatisfaction. But it’s not that easy to avoid. Young women can be afraid to avoid this topic for fear they will be seen as “stuck-up” or conceited by the other women. But continuing to talk about these topics, creates a norm that can keep us believing all women feel poorly about their bodies.

Source : The Physicological Society of Ireland

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