Saturday, July 4, 2020

Colorful lah

Apart of warna-warni yang ada. Empty bottle of eo... 

Dah join membership YL ni since 2017. Dah guna pun berterusan especially certain eo for hair loss recipe. Peppermint mmg sentiasa ada dlm handbag, RC good for sinus, lemon for boost of vit C andddd sticker remover... Lemon good for period yg tak lancar... Thieves for sore throat, cough... Take it with honey, a drop of thieves and a drop of lemon. For hair tonic concoction require lavendar, Cedarwood and rosemary. Purification for refreshing your room by diffusing and sleeping blend. 

For gatal2 badan, try LLP protocol before taking medicine. LLP stands for lemon, lavender and peppermint. Drop lemon on the sole one by one. Wait for a minute before drop lavender. Wait for a minute before drop peppermint plak. 

Insya allah akan membantu stop gatal2 tu. The safest to test eo is on your sole. It will absord thru the skin into to blood stream... 

Penggunaan mmg berterusan. Kalau nak abis baru beli. 

YL eo adalah therapeutic grade and 100% pure oil. Lepas ni nak try other eo based on your body need. Single oil and blend oil. 


Day 109 | 12 Zulkaedah 1441 H
PKPPemulihan 25

#stayathome #stayhealthy #kitajagakita #pkp2020 

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