Thursday, July 7, 2005


Right now i don't have any observervation to be reported. i know that nobody is reading & understanding my points. more of 2 cents ideas. do i need to write in English which are very rusty rather than my Bahasa that allow me to explore my creativity? Entahlah...

sometimes i think i need attention in everything i do to encourage me in doing anything that i've done. Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan kan? but i'm sort of a person that needs some motivation in everything i do.

Sometimes i feel lost in my own world. Meraba-raba, terkapai-kapai... aku teringin menyampaikan mesej kepada semua dalam penulisan aku. Bila aku menulis, aku syok sendiri. Do i need to be formal? Kena ada pendahuluan, kena ada penutup, kena ada isi-isi yg perlu dielaborate? aku kena berbahasa baku ke? atau selamba? ke aku perlu ikut gaya penulisan aku sendiri? be myself?

baru nie member aku baru bertukar tpt kerja. Dalam ucapan, bos dia highlights the essence of her... kalau aku bertukar nnt. Do people understand me? or they just highlights my formal personality not the true me... do i need to over expose myself so that people understand me better even though i felt like letting people hurts me more...

what do i really wants in my life? Sometimes i felt like people take advantage of me.. me being helping around ... people says that i don't have any work. Do i need to pretend that i'm busy?

Honesty is the main point in my life. I won't befriended anyone who cheat on me. If u have something to say... Say it to me... not people around me...

Right now, at the age of becoming 28 in 11 days ... i still don't know what is my Best Quality... i'va already asked my hubby... He said that my love for him... is the best quality in me... Do i believe in what he said? Yes, but i don't think that is my Best. how do i find out what is my best Quality... huh...

I don't want my whole life to be like this... still wandering about my life. Do i need to be serious at the age of 30? no more fun... i felt like i'm living in a glass box. nice to see, nice to hold, but empty inside. What do i need to do to make my life more colours? huh...

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