Saturday, January 7, 2017

My Farewell Party

Yesterday morning, there was farewell party for me. I did not expect any kind of farewell because of bad experience on my first week of duty report there.

At the farewell party, there was a speech by 'I dont want to mention' that I felt should not be given. Hmmmm...

But let bygone be bygone.

I love my team - UA2. I love the positivity they have, the tenacity they have,the esprit de coup the have. Basically everything...

My team consist of 6 persons. 3 gentlemen, 3 ladies. YB, coffeeholic gal, uncle nan, 'pang' gal, a husband and a wife.

It was a sad feeling of having to leave them. But they knew all the bad experiences I had. And hopefully they'll understand why I had to take the action with JPA and leave them.

But no fret, we will still keep in touch and be a good friends.

Love you guys


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