Wednesday, April 27, 2005

She tries, but she can't ...

This morning at the office, my so called friend H try to tell me something. I just can't blend in or befriend with her, i just can't. She always make me feels like S***. apa yg aku bg pendpt, bercakap, ada saja yg keluar dr mulut dia yg buat aku feel like s***. You no what? she doesn't have the nerve to tell straight to my face that she can't keep her promises. so what? i'm adult enough to understand and accept it. just imagine, she told me through email plus cc to her best friend (takut best friend dia jeles - lantak kau la) that she cannot keep her promises, macam la jauh sangat meja dia dgn aku.

for me, aku rasa dia tergugat dgn aku kot. dia asyik perasan cam dia lawa. hakikatnya, aku rasa aku lagi cute kah kah kah. last time, she laugh at me when she saw my nickname on my HP. so what, its my privacy, who do you think you are? i'm sure she can't be my friend. Cos i treat my friend as i love them, kalau salah aku tegur. Kalau bukan kawan aku, lantak ko la, not my prob.

anyway, let it just passby. period. rugi masa aku pikir pasal dia. byk lagi aku boleh pikir. my feelings, my understanding of life, my loves ....

[sambung balik...]

pagi nie anak aku bangun pagi, my hubby dukung dia nak bwk turun. aku ckp, "anak mak, sayang mak sikit." guest what? he gave me a BIG SMILE (puting dlm mulut lagi tu) and rubbed his cheek to mine. argh, i'm the happiest mother in whole wide world. That was the happiest moment for me. The image of my hubby and my son stick in my mind. alhamdullillah.

aku suka merajuk dgn hubby aku. But guest what, my hubby tak reti nak pujuk hehehehe. tp itu la dia my hubby :). aku cuma merajuk sayang dgn dia. aku nie jenis cepat panas, BUT cepat sejuk. cepat sejuk sebab dapat berfikir balik dgn jelas. biasa la tgh marah tak leh pikir sgt. sebab tu la, every time tgh marah :
  • kalau berdiri, duduk
  • kalau duduk, berdiri
  • kalau masih marah, ambil air sembahyang, buat sembahyang sunat (provided dah sembahyang waktu wajib la kan ... kah kah kah)
how lucky i am to have a very understanding hubby (kalau my hubby tau, mau kembang dia hehehe) and loves me so much. maybe for someone else its seems that i'm bragging about my hubby. Rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain ye tak. cuma aku bersyukur apa yg aku ada and aku hargai apa yg aku ada (walaupun selalu gaduh pasai hal kecik2). From now on, aku akan kurang merajuk kay sayang :)

from now on, my blog will be about OUR LITTLE FAMILY.


see u again my blog. :-)

p/s : help... i must finish reading PRIDE and PREJUDICE. is there any summary about this book??

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